Times rUns sO rapiDly & liFe is juSt a jOureny, It cAn take you anywhEre you chOose to go.
Some kind of people still liVe in a dark world withOut any Ray of hoPe or a true guidEnce.
so i want to say to those type what do you wait ?!! hello wake uP it's a new day coMing to you, you shouldn't sTay lasting hEre with your sorrOw as in the pAst as now, life can be cRuel but you must even Chase away all the Bad things, knOw that there is no neeD to be sCared of lonelineSs & try to face your Fears..
we just all have to do tHat & remembeR that we are not alonE, Thus Allah with us if we truEly deServe. so let's the sUn bright oVer you and the most impOrtant thing is to rEalize,how much liFe is gOod if you would be really poSitive in it.
Dear friend believe that you can find Happiness if you try your best to make it, then sUrely it can briGht light into the darkest & as they said :
" there is always light at the end of tunnel ". conSequently, you have to wait just wait.
therefore nEver lost Hope because it Gives you reaSon to contiNue & courage to move aheAd, when we tell ourselves we'd rather give in..otherwise it pUts also our feet on the Path when our Eyes caN't see it.....so just keep iT exist in your life .